Monday, March 3, 2008

These boots are made for walking....

Pumpkin got a pair of boots today from one of my aunts. She saw them and loved them. I had to wrestle them off of her for her nap and for bedtime. Yet, she did not want me to take a picture of her in them....but the sneeky mom that I am, I got pictures of her feet anyway! Thank you Auntie J for them, as you can tell, they are a huge hit! :)


SweetAnnee said...

Oh how sweet!! I remember loving boots
as a girl too, makes us feel POWERFUL!!
thanks for sharing!!

kimberly said...

and now she will probably want to wear them with her swimsuit and shorts!!!! :)
my girls loVeD boots, too.....and just yesterday brody was putting on papa's huge boots in his closet!

Cory said...

Soooo cute!!!! What a nice Aunt :)

jessamyn said...

"And that's just what they'll do..."
Well that and a whole lot of running, jumping, swinging and climbing!
How fun!
I totally remember wearing and LOVING me a pair of boots when I was little.