Thursday, April 21, 2011

A special time at school...

We got to go see Pumpkin at school this morning. Her school has a monthly flag raising ceremony. One grade gets to be up on "stage" and sing a song. This morning was the Kindergartner's turn! It was one of the cutest things I have seen in a LONG time. Of course, we brought the video camera. Hubby went in late to work to see and we got Critter excited about seeing his sister up on stage and singing.

The first video is of the performance while the whole school was there. So, since we were in the back, it was a little hard to hear. If you turn up the volume high you can hear. The second video is the second performance mainly for the parents :) SO cute!

Enjoy my moment of mommy bragging :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

I got to take Critter to an AWESOME farm yesterday. It is filled with rescue animals of all sorts. The thing that I loved is that the kids could feed the animals, with scoops. For some reason it freaks me out when they do it out of their hands. Plus....the kids end up dropping most of the food. We were the first ones there, so we got a personal tour of the animals from the nicest guy. Of course Critter was totally shy...until he figured things out for himself. The cute thing was he was trying to pick the animals he wanted to feed. did it through the fence and the really hungry/bossy animals were the ones up front. It sometimes bothered cute!

He loved these goats. This guy he was feeding was the boss of the area. The guy who gave us the little tour actually went in to distract him so Critter could feed some other goats.
I had to get a picture of him with the "Zonkey". It is a zebra/donkey....Strange to see that is for sure. She was sure hungry for food though, she loved it when he fed her!
Your eyes are not confused....that is Critter feeding a HUGE camel! This guy was retired from doing rides at the zoo and brought here. He was huge! I love how Critter is looking up at him in this picture. He talked last night about how the camel was bigger than daddy!
There are not many times that I think Critter looks small....except here! Isn't that crazy :)

He really wanted to feed this deer, but the donkey kept getting in the way. So, when we went inside the barn area here he was! It made him so happy :)
This was right before we left. I wanted a picture of him....the funny thing is that the Llama stopped to pose as well. It just cracked me up!

It was such a fun day with my little man. I want to go back with Pumpkin too. It was so interesting to hear all the stories behind the animals and see what was there. It really restores my faith to see people who care so much about animals.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Helping Daddy...

Hubby had an extra 2 days off last week. Since we can not really rearrange the furniture in the house much more....he decided to start random projects outside! :) He is taking up all the grass in the side front yard so we can put in rocks. We never grow this grass anyway, so it will work out great. Well....since his sister was at school, Critter wanted to help Daddy all on his own. He was having fun trying to do what daddy did....

He wanted nothing to do with the kids size tools, he wanted to use what Daddy was using.
There is nothing like trying to move something bigger and much heavier than you are! :)
Moving piles of grass/dirt = fun!
It was so cute to see him helping his Daddy. They don't get much time with just the two of them. He has been talking about his helping for the past week....such fun! :)