Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our days

It seems like our lives are so full these days. I am still trying to find a little bit of balance between the two kids, the house, hubby and myself. I am slowly getting there. I have been trying to focus on having as much fun with the kids as I can, since they are growing up so quickly. It makes us all feel better when there is just time to play. I sometimes have the habit of becoming too focus driven and not just letting my day happen. When I do let it happen, our days are just better, and my heart feels better. I adore my life, I just need to remember that more often. When I do, I get to soak in these beautiful souls.
This has become my new best friend, since Sunday. I was trying to find something else for Critter to play in, since he has hit the playing age, and was struggling to find something I liked. So, I decided to get out Pumpkin's exersaucer and see if Critter was big enough for it. He loves it! It gives me a few minutes to do things and he is totally enthralled with it.

The only problem with it is that Pumpkin just loves to show him all the toys. It is hard to explain to her that she should not just move his head to show him what she wants him to see. I guess I should just still be thankful they get along and she wants to play with him! :) She is SO proud of him when he grabs a toy or spins himself around.

Just like Papa, passed out on the couch after a good meal! At least he looks much more comfortable than Papa usually does.
Pumpkin and Hubby went on a daddy/daughter date last night. They went to a baseball game together. I was shocked at how much she liked it. He had to tell her the game was over because she still did not want to leave at 9:30pm (that is REALLY late for her!) She was apparently chasing the mascot around the stadium to get high fives. Hopefully we are breading a Sun Devil! :)

I normally don't like putting pictures of myself up...well anywhere, but Pumpkin is loving pictures lately. She has discovered that I can take a picture of the two of us. So, how could I not! I think she might be one of the only ones to get me to voluntarily take a picture. How can I say no to that face!


kimberly said...

love the pictures debbie.....yes, letting the day unfold and saying...."just enjoy the moment"....has to be said even when you are a nonnie.....and it is so much more enjoyable when we do that!

she looks so grown up in that picture with her asu shirt on!
so cute!

The Tils Family said...

Cute pictures, she looks cute in her asu shirt and i love that picture of him sleeping in his allstar oufit.Hope you guys are doing ok.The days do fly by fast.

Cory said...

Sooo sweet debbie. I too love the pic of her in her ASU shirt. What a nice day she and daddy had!!

Cory said...

You just got to love all those special moments! I'm glad she had fun with daddy at the game! Cute pics of the little one and I love the pic of you and your big girl!

Brittni said...

The second response by Cory is me Deb. I didn't realize Cory was taking over my computer! :)

Jamie said...

I'm sure balancing it all can be difficult, but if anyone can do it,,you can! :)
Great photos Deb!
I'm so glad daddy and pumpkin got to have a "date" night going to the baseball game. I think those things are SO important!!
Have a good day!