Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day (belated)

I tried hard yesterday to teach Pumpkin the concept of what the Earth is and how we can help it stay healthy. I did not realize starting out that it was a fairly complex concept for her. She already knew that we have two types of garbage, the kind that goes in the silver can or the blue basket. Beyond that was difficult. We persevered through it! We took a trip to our local gardening store and picked out 3 different plants for the containers in our front yard. We have had only one in a container for about a year now, and it was driving me crazy having empty containers out here. This day gave me a good bargaining chip with Hubby to get more plants out there! She got to pick one, I got to pick one, and we picked the big one together. She of course picked the one with the orange flowers! We got home and spent awhile planting and trying to talk about the environment. I figure even if she got a little of it, the day was successful. Plus, we had a good time planting and water. Hopefully she will help remind me to water the plants!

It is amazing how quick the kids are growing. Critter is now rolling over ALL the time. It feels like he has two teeth budding in his mouth. Pumpkin is as precocious as ever. She is VERY excited that she gets to wear one of her cross necklaces on Saturday for Critter's baptism. She also can not stop talking about her new "big girl" carseat (booster). She keeps telling Hubby to put it in the car. Life has been good, just busy. I think that is how it is going to be for awhile!


kimberly said...

it is amazing what these little ones grasp from such a day.....what a neat little lesson for her.....and what sweet pictures. so big so fast!

Brittni said...

Oh I love the plants! Oh and what little cutie pies!!! I can't believe how fast they are growing! Earth day was a good day for us too. Trying to make some small changes to help out. Miss ya girlie. thanks for the post. See you on Sat.

jessamyn said...

i cannot believe how much he has changed since i have last seen him! those pictures are so sweet deb!

Jamie said...

What a couple of cuties!! :) It's so good to start young...teaching the children to help take care of the planet. They are the ones who the damage we've done is going to influence the most. Great job Deb!! :)