Monday, April 28, 2008

Magical Day

We had a magical day on Saturday. Critter was baptized and it was Hubby's 30th Birthday. It is a special day that they will always share. It was a beautiful ceremony that touched a place in my heart. It was very different than Pumpkin's baptism. I think there were only about 8 kids for her day and there were at least 15 on Saturday being baptized. We were surrounded by family and friends who love our little boy so much. I know that people from all over the country were thinking about us on Saturday, and we thank you for that. We know you were with us in spirit. Critter is one lucky little boy with godparents who adore him. Thank you for being willing to take this huge role in his life. We love all of you who surround our family with love and support. Here are just a handful of pictures from the day. It was a day I will not forget.

I love this picture of the two of us, I had to put it up here. Especially since I rarely have pictures of myself with the kids!

Thank you Uncle P for holding Critter during the ceremony. It made it extra special.

Our adorable boy, if I do say so myself!

Pumpkin took this picture of Critter. I think she is trying to compete with her mommy!

Had to include one of Pumpkin. She was so excited for the day, especially since she got to wear her cross necklace that she wore for her baptism. She is a wonderful big sister!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day (belated)

I tried hard yesterday to teach Pumpkin the concept of what the Earth is and how we can help it stay healthy. I did not realize starting out that it was a fairly complex concept for her. She already knew that we have two types of garbage, the kind that goes in the silver can or the blue basket. Beyond that was difficult. We persevered through it! We took a trip to our local gardening store and picked out 3 different plants for the containers in our front yard. We have had only one in a container for about a year now, and it was driving me crazy having empty containers out here. This day gave me a good bargaining chip with Hubby to get more plants out there! She got to pick one, I got to pick one, and we picked the big one together. She of course picked the one with the orange flowers! We got home and spent awhile planting and trying to talk about the environment. I figure even if she got a little of it, the day was successful. Plus, we had a good time planting and water. Hopefully she will help remind me to water the plants!

It is amazing how quick the kids are growing. Critter is now rolling over ALL the time. It feels like he has two teeth budding in his mouth. Pumpkin is as precocious as ever. She is VERY excited that she gets to wear one of her cross necklaces on Saturday for Critter's baptism. She also can not stop talking about her new "big girl" carseat (booster). She keeps telling Hubby to put it in the car. Life has been good, just busy. I think that is how it is going to be for awhile!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Far Away Fridays

My far away today is not so far away. We are lucky that both of our parents live close by. My mom's house has been my refuge on weeks that Hubby works a lot or I am sick and need a hand. They live far enough away that I feel like I am getting a mini-vacation. There is something so special about being able to go home again to be taken care of. Even when I am running around after my crazy kids, it is still a break for me. I don't have to worry about laundry, cleaning or all the other "daily" stuff that beckons me at home. It is great since I had the kids (and grew up a bit) I feel closer to my parents than ever. Hubby's parents also live close by, but far enough that it feels like a little vacation for us. We go down their for the day to escape from our "duties". They are also very generous and will watch Pumpkin for us for a weekend if we have plans or they just miss her. She LOVES staying at their house. She gets spoiled rotten down there. She gets to stay up late watching movies and doing all sorts of other things that I do not know about :) Hubby used to do that with his grandparents growing up and it is nice that Pumpkin gets to do the same thing. We are really blessed to have wonderful grandparents for our children.

I appreciate all they do for us. So, these are my (close) far away fridays for today!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Some relief, no real answers

Well, my adventure is over for today. God bless understanding women though. I went to the imaging center and they decided to do my ultrasound first. After looking at it and finding no lumps, absesses, clogged ducts or abnormal tissue, they decided they did not need to put me through the pain of a mammogram. I can not tell you how relieved I was about this. I was dreading it all day. Even the ultrasound was a little painful due to my swelling, I can not even imagine what the mammogram would have felt like. The only reason I would need to go back for one is if the surgical consult decides they need to look at a mammogram as well.
Thank you all for your words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me. I am relieved that I did not get an answer today because it would most likely not have been anything good. I just hope somewhere someone might have an answer for me. I will just have to figure that one out. At least for today my fever is gone and I am feeling better, and my little girl is still an angel for me! Thank goodness for the little blessings in life and the wonderful women I met today who helped me feel comfortable and did not put me through additional pain!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A "why again" day

Yesterday was such a great day getting SO much stuff done....and then today happens. I woke this morning after Critter had slept for a little longer than normal and I was FULL of milk. He was not awake yet, so I pumped it out. Yet, I was still really sore. This soreness did not go away, and then the chills, fever, aches and red spots appeared. Yes, those are the signs of a lovely breast infection. For those that don't know or are not keeping count, that would make this my 4th infection in 2 1/2 months! I had one infection with Pumpkin, but this is getting ridiculous with Critter! I mean, look at the kid, there is no doubt he is eating just fine! SO...after playing phone tag with the doctor's office for much of the late morning, they diagnosed me "officially" with another infection. This meant that I spent the next two hours on the phone scheduling a mammogram and ultrasound and then an appointment with a general surgeon. Needless to say, I am a little bit nervous. I am really hoping that all of this says that I am perfectly healthy but am for some reason prone to these infections. I am not over-joyed at the fact that I get to experience a mammogram at 29, especially while nursing and being sore from the infection. Luckily, (I think) they were able to schedule me for tomorrow afternoon. So, at least I do not have to wait too long to get this process going. I just wish I could turn my brain off and internet off until then. There is quite a bit of scary information out there! The good news of the day is that my little Pumpkin has been an angel (so far) and has tried to take care of me for the day. The other good news is that the medicine they gave me this time around is one that I can actually eat with! The last two times, I had medicine that I could not eat for two hours before taking it and an hour after taking it...4 times a day! Talk about making a person want to eat when they can't! So, it was not nearly the relaxing productive day that I had imagined I would have when waking up this morning. I know my body is telling me to slow down, which I have actually been doing. I am just wondering how I can get my little angels to sleep more so I can get a good nights sleep....will have to work on that one.

Please wish me luck tomorrow. I know in my heart that everything is okay. I just want the films to agree and then the surgeon next week to say the same. Considering I am a worry wart, the next week will be a long one :) To leave on a happy note, don't these two just melt your hearts!


I admit it, I have lost my mind. I think admitting it is the first step to finding a solution...right? A few days ago I decided that I should finish the project that I tried to finish before Critter was born. I decided way back then that I should go through all my old pictures, organize them into albums, and create some more space by getting rid of photo boxes. I worked on this for about 2 months, and then got too big to finish. I have had a photo box on my desk since then, it has been calling to me EVERYDAY for months. So, here is the point of losing my mind. I discovered that I had 3 different photo albums/scrapbooks from college. Now, that was not acceptable! I decided that not only should I go through the rest of my college pictures, but I should re-do the scrapbooks into just one album. This was my obsession for the past three days. Luckily Hubby was nice yesterday and watched the kids pretty much all day so I could work on the yard and do this scrapbook. The good is finished. The funny part, now I want to go through more things and organize more. I guess I am funny that way, once I get a project done I see more things to do! I now also have more of a mess on my hands than before, since I have not cleaned everything up yet. It was also quite funny yesterday when Pumpkin asked me how I was doing. I mistakenly told her I lost my mind. It then occupied her for about 20 minutes looking for my mind! It was rather adorable.
It has also been a rather emotional project for me. It is strange to make a scrapbook with pictures of people that I no longer keep in contact with. Hubby is only in the scrapbook on my graduation day. I just struggled with getting rid of any of the pictures. I do have a tendency to be a pack rat and keep everything. It was a huge step for me to toss away the negatives. I finally figured if I don't talk to the people anymore, would I need to make another copy of a picture? I guess it has been a period of remembering. I think that reminiscing can be healing, yet it takes a toll. I have been going through my mental storage box of memories while going through these pictures. It was nice to remember, but it was nicer to get the project done and sit and have dinner with my family. The past creates who we are in the present. Even if we would love to go back and change something, that would in essence change who we are today. I think in my own strange way, creating the scrapbook of the past was my way of realizing that without all those memories, my life would not be where it is today. That is worth losing my mind over! :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Our boy

Critter is already 4 months old! I just can not believe how quick time is flying by. I seem to be taking more of his babyhood in than I did Pumpkin. I think the first time around I was so nervous about everything I did. This time, I am trying to enjoy it all. He really is our big boy. He has almost caught up to his friend Wyatt (who is 10 weeks older!). He is 18 pounds 4 ounces and 27 1/4 inches long. Luckily his growing has slowed down, but he is still our big man. There is no doubt that he likes to eat! It seems early, but he has started rolling over. He is consistently rolling from his tummy to his back and every once in awhile will go from his back to his tummy. The look on his face is just so precious when he does, "Hey, how did that happen!". Pumpkin is so proud of her brother. She likes to sit with me at night and help him roll over and grab at toys. As of now she thinks it is funny when he kicks her or grabs her hair. I am trying to teach her that this is not going to be fun for long...but she is slightly stubborn and wants to do what she wants to do! (Hmmm...wonder where she gets that from!) Critter is such a happy baby. He still loves to get his diaper changed and loves to look at ceiling fans. Pretty much he is a mellow kid, especially compared to Pumpkin. He loves to sit and watch the world. I just wonder how long that will last. It has been an amazing journey so far for our family to grow and find balance. Some days it is there, other days...not so much. It is a daily learning process. I would not change it for anything though. I am trying to cherish each day with these kids. They are only little once. Happy 4 months big man. I love you so much!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesdays Treasures

This week is a unique treasure for me. For our wedding, we wanted to do unique wedding favors. At the time there was a brewery closeby which allowed you to make up a batch of beer and custom bottle and label it. So, we created two different beers for our wedding favors. We chose beers which we liked and then labeled them with things that meant a lot to us. We had a TON of beer to give away. Luckily we kept a bottle of each for ourselves as keepsakes. We have them displayed. Most people probably do not know what they are for, but each time I look at them, I think of our special day. It was a memorable experience to make them as well. We hand bottled each one with a small group of friends. Great memories from a great time in our lives.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Time Flies

I went for a run this evening and there was a song playing that made me really think. I had been thinking about Critter anyway since he will be four months old tomorrow. I was thinking how blessed I am that my children are happy and healthy. I have started new bedtime rituals with Pumpkin to ensure we keep our connection. But, this song...well it made me think. It is a song by Trace Adkins called " You're Gonna Miss This". It is about wanting to get to that next place in life. When you are a teenager, all you want to be is an adult. When you are starting out on your own, all you want is a bigger place and a better car. When the kids are little, all you want is for them to grow up and do bigger things. Here is the chorus:

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
There are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this

For all the craziness in my days, I do stop and look at Pumpkin and wonder where all the time has gone. I already look at Critter and can not believe that four months ago I was still pregnant. So much has happened in these few months. I have a tendancy to want to go go go. I need moments like this evening to make me remember to stop and just enjoy the craziness that is my life. I walked back in the door after my run and saw Hubby tickling Pumpkin and Critter light up when he saw me (but that is because he was hungry!). It was a perfect moment. I hope that you can take the time to enjoy whatever moments in your life that exist that you are gonna miss one day.

Our handsome four month old! Man, I can not believe he is this old already. I will post more later in the week about all he is doing now. I am still just enjoying my moments from this evening. That is his momma smile, special for me! He just melts my heart to mush! :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday dear friend....

A very dear friend is celebrating her birthday today. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you are loved in this world. You are such an influence on so many. I admire your conviction in life. You choose your path based on what your heart and soul tell you, not what others tell you to do. You focus on your children, yet don't lose sight of who you are. You take an active role in this world as opposed to being a simple participant. You love so deeply that you are affected by the changes in others' lives. All of these things make people cherish you. You make a lasting impact on the world and the people in it. The children you are raising will be amazing adults who carry on the love you have shown them.
I can not believe that I have known you for about 8 years now. I believe that you were brought into my life to help me remember what is important. I know that you struggle with your path at times, but you always find your way back to what is important to you. I so admire you my dear friend. I wish your birthday is filled with what makes your heart happy. May you see beautiful skies filled with puffy clouds, yellow sunflowers, pure smiles on your children's faces and may you be filled with love. You deserve all of this and more. I love you dear friend and I hope that you enjoy your day. I am so thankful I am able to call you friend.
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Family Time

We love our family time. With Hubby's crazy work schedule, we don't get as much of it as we would like. Especially since Pumpkin has realized that he is gone a lot. She asks him every day if he has to go to work. I can see that it breaks his heart. Tuesdays are often our family day, but poor Hubby stays up for about 30 hours in order to do it! This past Tuesday we had an awesome family day at the zoo. We had not been since Critter was born. Pumpkin had such a great time talking to the animals and telling us where she wanted to go to next. Critter slept until we had lunch, which was perfect. The animal pictures were picked by Pumpkin to share, they were her favorites for this trip. I am trying desperately to enjoy the beautiful weather before it gets too hot! I think that all four of us really needed this day to relax and just be a family. I just love those days! :)

What better way to relax after a day at the zoo! To quote Pumpkin "I think it is a good idea to make a fort for Daddy to sleep. I know, let me use pillows and books! That is a good idea right Mommy?" Of course I was laughing, said yes, took some pictures, and then told her that we should let Daddy sleep! :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesdays Treasures

I have dabbled in photography for a few years now. I started taking pictures for friends and family about when Pumpkin was born. It is something I have taught myself and I really enjoy doing. It is something that I can have on the side for myself. I typically save my "earnings" to by Hubby his Christmas and Birthday presents. My point in all of this is how I got this gorgeous piece of handmade glass. A fellow mom friend's husband is an amazing glass artist. I took his head shots for him about a year and a half ago. As a thank you, he gave me this piece. Every time I look at it, I realize the potential that i carry within myself. I realize that no matter how much of a perfectionist that I may be, people do have confidence and faith in me and my work. It really is an amazing feeling.

It is hard to tell, but the swirl of teal is sparkly in the sun. Also, I had a lovely helper today to take pictures, she does not like to be out of pictures when I have the camera out! The opposite of her mommy!