Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy week

We have had a busy week over here. There have been some real fun things. A great birthday party, a book fair at school, a special treat of a big girl hair do, learning how to walk, and just general fun. Of course, this busy week ended with Pumpkin feeling a little under the weather. Not sure if she is sick or just worn down. We have been going non-stop around here for at least a month. Since she was SO sick back in July, I have become slightly obsessed when she gets run down. I never want to see her that sick again! Critter is letting go and walking multiple steps at a time. He gets SO proud of himself after he does it. His new game is to play peek-a-boo with people by moving his head around so he does not see you and then sees you. It is rather adorable. The kids are getting so big and learning so much each day. We are slowly finding our rhythm with the busy schedule with school, Atrium, MOMS Club stuff and then just finding time to be ourselves. Of course life is just getting busier, so we are trying to find the time to stop and just enjoy what we are doing at the moment. Here are some catch up pictures!
We went shopping last week with Nanny and stopped by a little girly store to look at cute stuff for Pumpkin. The girls who were working were a little bored, so they offered to do Pumpkin's hair. I said yes before I knew exactly what they were going to do! It turned out really cute. After about 30 bobby pins, tons of hairspray and two kinds of glitter....this is my big girl! She loved it. She was not too happy that I made her take a bath that night, but we have quite a few pictures to remember the occasion. I just can not believe how old she looks!
Okay, my ham for the camera! This is what I get for asking her to pose for me!

We had a great time at two great boy's birthday parties! They borrowed a friends HUGE water slide. Pumpkin loved it. It was a cowboy theme....doesn't Critter look adorable (no I'm not biased!) He looks so cute, you can not really tell he was trying really hard to get this hat OFF his head! :)

Yes, he melts my heart with those eyes!
He gets very serious when he is concentrating. He was trying to reach the lamb that was almost out of his reach. He is still crawling everywhere, but each day is getting steadier on his feet. He will walk a few steps towards me without really thinking about it. He is taking his time with walking. When Pumpkin learned how to walk, she let go the first time and never looked back. He is a little more cautious with it. That is fine with me! He is "talking" up a storm. I think he is trying to keep up with his mommy and sister. Unbelievably he has gotten 4 teeth the past 2 weeks. Totally different than Pumpkin. I only noticed another was coming in because his nose was a little runny and he was putting more things in his mouth. He is my big man now!


Mandy said...

Love the big girl hair do! She looks really cute. Congrats on the walking, Pres is not quite there yet. I guess all in do time. It was nice seeing you and your family at the party.:)

Cory said...

She does look so sweet with her big girl hair do :) Love the pics!!!

Brittni said...

What a beauty! I am sure she enjoyed every minute of her princess hair:) Little critter will be running after Wyatt in no time! uh oh!!!

kimberly said...

love the great and i bet she loved it too.....and love the do-rag.....he is a sweetie pie!