Saturday, May 3, 2008

Clowning Around

What better thing to do after a Carnival themed birthday party than clown around. We had a busy day shopping and partying....but still all smiles around here! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

What better way to look at a clown nose than cross your eyes at it! :)

Critter would not put the nose on for Hubby or myself, but with Pumpkin he thought it was hilarious! Gotta love the brothers and sisters :)


kimberly said...

soooo cute.....yes....little ones stick together...much more willing to "listen" to each other....until they are older! :)

Brittni said...

How sweet!!! Oh the laughter that must have been going on in your house! Thanks for coming by the other day, it meant a lot!!!

Mandy said...

How fun! So cute with the noses on.
Your daughter has beautiful eyes!!
Great seeing you, thanks for coming by. We need to get to kids together.