Thursday, February 2, 2012

Athletic Kids...

The kids have been in gymnastics for awhile now. I am amazed each week at what these kids can do!
She so wants to do these things without help, but she is doing great! She is not built like a gymnast, but she is trying. That is what matters to us. We want her to be physical, healthy and active. This is helping with that for sure :)I think she is more competitive with the running aspects than some of the class. She gets so determined. I don't know where she will go with this, but as long as she likes it we will keep doing it! :)
Our guy on the other hand is picking it up a little quicker. He LOVES each class. His coach is challenging him. Each week he asks if we are going to play-class or teach-class. We go to Open Gym here on Mondays and his class is Tuesdays. He gets excited either day.
I know our guy is going to be tall like his daddy. That might change his interest in which sport he wants to do as he grows...but he is 4 and loves this! What better way to keep healthy and teach good muscle tone/memory than gymnastics at this point... Plus, I can not get even close to that kind of can my son do it!
I mean, do my kids do these things! Each week I can not believe what they are doing. I love watching them explore an interest and see what they like. It is really neat to be impressed with what your kids can do :)

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