Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer Simplicity

Even though our summer has been over for almost 2 weeks, I still have stuff to catch up on in this space! The end of summer dragged on a little bit. It was really hot and I ran out of energy for big elaborate entertainment. But...sometimes it is the simple things that make us the most was a good reminder :)

I love that Pumpkin likes to sit and "read" the comics. It is so cute....especially when it is next to Daddy on a Sunday morning...

She got to go to a birthday party with a face painter. She painted a beautiful butterfly and bracelet. Pumpkin LOVED them...unfortunately they had to be washed off that night. But, pictures last longer than face paint!

During the craziness of the hot afternoons...we rediscovered a love for coloring. We had some really nice, peace-filled afternoons filled with coloring. These were some of my favorite days of the summer!

Man, the days just go by too quickly to catch up completely! I think if we all go to bed with smiles on our faces, then we had a successful day. We are still getting into a rhythm with school back in session. Critter starts the last Tuesday of this month for 2 day a week preschool. So, once we get in a rhythm with Pumpkin we will have to figure it out with Critter! Days are good...but hot that is for sure! :)

1 comment:

kimberly said...

so hard to think of "end of summer" when the temps are 112 :-) but i know the context you are speaking in! not having kids or grands in school, i forget how fast that summer break really is....and talked to cassie to find out she also starts teaching next week!! glad you all had great days during your summer break...and now there are new exciting times ahead with a new school year! love the photos!