Friday, August 27, 2010

My boy...

Two weekends ago, Pumpkin went to Hubby's parents house for the weekend. It was time with me and my boy. Actually with my two boys since Hubby was home for the weekend. It was so much fun. I missed my girl a TON, but it was nice for Hubby and I to spend time with Critter....
A fort and a fresh cookie....not much better in this boys world! :)

We took him to a splash pad. Hubby does not get to do much one on one with him. It was neat for Critter to show off to his Daddy. I love our family as a whole, but it is a lot of fun this year to spend so much time with my boy. He is going to go to preschool in a year, so i am soaking up this time with him. He is my momma's boy so I don't think he minds the extra attention! Even though he loves his sister when she gets home from school.

One of his favorite things to do at this splash pad was to leap and dive into the puddles. I don't knwo how he did not hurt himself, but he did not! He was so cute and had this huge smile on his face everytime he did it!

It was really hard on this momma having her girl away for the weekend. It is a great time for her to spend with her grandparents. It was also nice to spend time with my boy. I know before I know it they will both be too busy to have these relaxing moments. Hopefully we can keep them grounded enough to stop and just be.

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