Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our fun morning...

We had a super fun morning this morning! We were out of the house by 7:15, which is early even for an early bird like myself! My Alma Mater was having a FREE Football Scrimmage today at the stadium. Since every time we drive by the stadium the kids ask to "go there" I figured this would be the best time. They are still a little bit young to go to a game, it just gets too loud and crazy for them. This was perfect! We got there as they were still warming up and the seats were in the shade. The kids got to have their picture taken with Sparky, the mascot, as he wandered through the stadium. It was so much fun!
I LOVE him standing up and watching. He was fascinated with what was going on. I think he would have lasted longer there if I had remembered to bring some snacks....silly mommy!
How cute is this! Critter had no problem what-so-ever with Sparky. I think it is because he has pictures of him in his room and lots of clothes/hats with him. He walked right up to him and climbed up to get his picture. Pumpkin did not want to wear her jersey this morning. There was nothing I could do to convince her to. She sure is stubborn when she makes up her mind....I have no idea where she gets it from!

This is the bell in front of the stadium. I am not sure who got a bigger kick out of this morning, the kids or myself. I have such fond memories of football games during college. I have not been back to a game since graduating. I remember meeting at the bell before and after games. It was just so much fun!

Thankfully my mom came with me and the kids. Otherwise, maybe the fun would have been a little less! Now the kids can say they have been to the stadium. I just have to keep reminding Pumpkin it is football not baseball. We go have been to quite a few baseball games, so there is a little confusion. I can not wait til they are older and we can get tickets to some of the games!

It was such a great morning. I love that we try to do fun and different things with the kids. I think it is great to share these experiences with them.

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