Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is a little late (but better late than never!). We had a nice Father's Day celebration with Hubby. We actually were able to have a whole weekend to just be the 4 of us! That was awesome :)

I started this project with Pumpkin when she was 2. Each Father's Day we make a cement stone with hand/foot prints and give it to him. I will say it makes coming up with his gift each year much easier :) This was the first year where besides mixing the cement and waiting for it to set enough....the kids did it all! They had so much fun. I was actually able to take pictures of them doing their project this year.

He took this very seriously. He did keep trying to fill his hand and foot print with glass and marbles....other than that he did great!

She of course, took her time and planned things out...

It is always so much fun to do this with them each year. Our goal in the next year is to re-do the backyard. We are going to incorporate these into the design. It is so neat to see how much they grow each year!

We just spent the weekend having fun with the kids. Life gets so full of errands, parties, activities and work that we don't get to just be. We took the kids to the splash pad in the morning. It was fairly empty and fun! It was not quite hotter than the face of the sun, so we were able to hang out for about an hour and a half! Critter was Mr. Adventure. He loved running through the spouts of water and having fun!

Pumpkin did not want to go in...so her brother held her hand and brought her to the water. It was really cute. I did not get pictures of it, but she started to use those orange circles as monkey bars. She would go from one end to the other, swing around w/o touching the ground and go back again. She did that 4 times without touching the ground. Hubby and I were sort of amazed at that one! She has a lot of strength in that little body :)

I think in their minds (and mine) we had a perfect Father's Day weekend. The kids and I got to hang out with Hubby for 2 whole days and just do what we wanted. The kids even got to do yard work with him while I cooked dinner. I wish we could do this every weekend.

It was the perfect celebration of a great dad! :)

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