Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A day with my boy...

One of the hardest things for me when Pumpkin started school was not being able to take her to do all the fun things we used to do. Then....I realized I had over 3 years of taking her fun places and I could now do the same with Critter. I have noticed that our adventures this have been a little longer and more adventurous due to Pumpkin being in school longer and Critter being older.
I was finally able to take him to the zoo the other day with a group of friends. It was so much fun seeing him play with his friends and explore without his sister telling him where to go! :)
Can you tell how much fun he was having!
My FAVORITE place in the zoo is the little monkeys. I love the fact that you can go into the exhibit and see them. I think out of every animal, i have the most pictures of these guys. This little guy was walking right over our heads....well not RIGHT over since we did not want to get covered in a present from him :)

He was having so much fun on these animals. I have cute pictures of both the kids last time we went, but we also had to sort of go along with what Pumpkin wants. This time I could just let Critter explore and do whatever he wanted to do!

It is hard to see, but this is his "WHEEEE" face. He was acting like he was a cowboy.....never mind that he was on a lion....he still thought he was a cowboy!

"We almost forgot the giraffe's!" That is what he told me as we tried to leave. We did not see the giraffe's first like we usually do since we were catching up with friends. Can you tell he is a creature of habit like his momma?

Speaking of like his momma....
I got him a new book at the zoo shop ( I am such a sucker for books, it is getting silly). He wanted to see it as we left. He walked out of the zoo "reading" his new book!

No, this is not posed. He walked out like this. :) I just love it though. He is my boy! How can I say no to him when he asks for books? This is even at the library. We now have to bring a tote with us to the library since we can not carry all the books he wants to bring home. Trust me, I am NOT complaining about his love of books though!

It is so nice to be able to spend such nice time with my boy. We signed him up for preschool starting in September, so I am soaking up as many moments with him as I can. These darn kids are just growing up WAY too fast for me!

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