Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My cowgirl...

I LOVE the fact that Hubby has Fridays off. It means I get to help out with Pumpkins class a fair amount. They do a lot of their special activities on Friday, so it works out perfectly!
Last week was Kinder Rodeo Day. They had 9 different stations set up for the kids to do. It was adorable! I got to help out in the "jail".....we took pictures of the kids in the "jail" and then they got to eat popsicles. Needless to say, there was a lot of energy in my station! I am truly amazed at the conversations you can have with a group of Kindergarten kids.....really amazed!
She took this very seriously! If you look close, you can see her tongue sticking out :)

They got to dress in their "cowboy" gear. She picked this outfit out all on her own....she has some pretty good fashion sense. She did pull the typical kid thing that morning though. The sides of her hat had come un-stitched from the main part. She asked me at 7:46 to fix it, we normally leave the house at 7:50. The ONLY reason i fixed it at the VERY last minute was because i knew the kids would be outside from 8:15-11. I do think it was worth it for the pictures too though :)

My beautiful girl. There are times I look at her and realize how quickly she is growing up. She is so fiesty and independent, yet so full of love! She was playing with her loose tooth here. I really do not know how this thing is still in her mouth. We can see almost the entire bottom of it when she plays with it. Yet, she is like her mother, so she is stressing about it. New things do not always go over well with her :)

Doing pretty good at horseshoes!

It was such a fun day with her and the other kids. I am going to take every opportunity I can to help out in the classes. I figure the longer she likes me in class the better! :) I love that I know her friends and who she talks about when she talks about school.

1 comment:

kimberly said...

such a great idea....and how fun for the kids!!! reminds me of when ours were little and the got to dress up for different days....i always had as much fun as they did!! she looks adorable!