Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

Pumpkin (finally) started back at school yesterday. Since she is not in public school yet, they start MUCH later than other schools around here. It was a long month of August waiting between summer camp and school. She is going M/W/F this year and it is just what she needs, but I am going to miss her! It is my second step in "letting go". Since she was 9 months old she and I have gone to my MOMS Club activities almost every Wednesday together. When Critter was born, those activities helped me get out of the house. Now...she is going to miss those activities. She will be learning and having fun at school. I think it is a bigger transition for me than her.
I have been taking a step back lately and seeing who Pumpkin is growing up to be. It really is an amazing sight. She is so caring, loving and generous. She has a fiery streak in her for sure, but still wants to be held, hugged and loved upon. She is like her mother, once you are in her heart she holds onto you with a fierce love.
The two of these guys light up my world. They balance each other so well. He already is missing her on school days, but he and I will get some great time together.

Happy start to your school year Pumpkin. We love you and are so proud of who you are. Enjoy this time and spread your wings (just a little!) but know that we are here to hug you when you return.


Jamie said...

how exciting! :) (and difficult for mama)........she truly is a little beauty with a wonderful spirit! :)

kimberly said...

exciting times.....and a little letting go required :-).....she really is growing into quite a young little lady!