Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Day

Today was a big day for our family. It was Pumpkin's first day of preschool. She has taken classes before at a gym but we were always with her. She went to summer camp this summer, but that is something fun. Today we sent our first born off to her very first day of school. This is the start of her school career. I hope it is the start of an adventure she really enjoys. I know that I really liked school and I hope she does the same. I can not believe that she is old enough for school. She is my baby girl. She is the one that made me a mommy. She has so many of my personality quirks that we butt heads quite often. This is the little girl who has started saying "Thank you" at dinner time for giving her a nice dinner. The same little girl who reminds us to say Grace before we eat.

Pumpkin was such an amazing kid today. She was excited to show Daddy her room (he missed Meet the Teacher night because of work) and where her "cubby" is. She was excited to line up with her class on the playground. I barely was able to get half a hug from her before she ran off. Poor Daddy and Critter got nothing from her. We stood and watched her walk in a crooked line to the stairs and then up the stairs to her room. She did not look back for us. When we picked her up, the only thing she told us is that she wanted to stay for lunch. Uh-oh on my part. I figured the first day was trial for all of us. I guess on Thursday she will be bringing a lunch and I will pick her up 15 minutes later! :) Neither Daddy or I could get her to tell us about her day. I had to cheat and have her call Nanny and then Nana and Opa in order to hear about things. I just eavesdropped on what she said. This whole parenting thing does take some sneakiness every once in awhile!
I am so proud of the little lady she has turned into. I was sad today to see my "baby" all grown up. But....I am excited to see what she is going to contribute to the world. I know whatever that maybe she will do it with gusto and passion. So...here is the start to an amazing future. I love you Pumpkin, you will always be my baby!
She wanted to take pictures with Critter this morning. This is one of my favorites of the two of them. Critter has not wanted to be held much lately. I guess he knew his sister needed it this morning!
Right before we walked out the door I finally got a nice picture of her!
Saying "cheese" in the car before heading to her room.
This is the most she turned around to look at us while they were walking to their room. Other kids were crying and upset, not our Pumpkin!


Brittni said...

Oh what a BIG day!!!! I think I would have been crying! I am so happy to hear that the day went so well and that she had a good time. I would like to know the details you caught while being a spy!:) Looks like your other little one is just growing like a weed also!!!! Hope to see you soon.

kimberly said...

so much nicer when you don't have to see them cry.....and they are just plain ole excited!!!! that is hard enough! :0
how quickly time has gone!

Jamie said...

Okay ~ this post made ME cry! When I read that she just took off and "didn't look back" tears just started rolling. :) What a wonderful mama ~ you have provided her with a sense of independence, strength and self confidence. Congratulations! :)

Cory said...

Gosh, I think I would have been bawling too! It's scary how fast they grow up. It's so nice that she approached this journey with open arms :)

jessamyn said...

how exciting for her! new beginnings. that picture of the two of them is so sweet! they both look so BIG!