Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Recent pictures

I finally was able to transfer pictures from my laptop to our other computer (the one with the internet). are some recent pictures of the kids. They are doing so much now. I can not believe how quickly time is flying by. Now that we are all healthy, our days are back to being busy and filled with fun.
My niece had a Princess Birthday Party at the beginning of the month. Pumpkin had a great time. She got to wear makeup for the first time and drink out of real tea cups. It was so much fun to see her all grown up.
He woke up with his hair sticking up in front. Hubby got a big kick out of it, so we had to take this picture.
Still loving each other. He was SO concerned about her when she was sick. He missed playing with her. He LOVES to climb all over her on the ground. So far, she loves it. We will see what she thinks in another week.
Yes, that is Critter standing up on his own. He has a hard time pulling himself up on high things, but give him something low and he is standing in no time. At least he won't be walking as soon as his sister. That I am thankful for! :) Someone described him standing and walking like Elvis, he is a little shaky, but has quite a bit of style!
Critter is into trying food he can feed himself. I gave him this biscuit the other day. I will use many words to describe him, clean eater will not be one of them! He loved this though. He was not too happy when it was too slippery for him to eat anymore. Needless to say, I am washing MANY faceclothes in this house right now. But hey, isn't this what kids are supposed to do..make a complete mess!

1 comment:

kimberly said...

glad things are back to "normal" and everyone is feeling good again....don't know where i have been to have missed this many posts!:)....have a great day!