Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last day of first grade...

It seems like each year I always say that time is going by too quickly.  It is just always the case.  I can not believe that Pumpkin is finished with first grade.  She has grown up so much this year.  It was a really great year. Once again, we lucked out with an amazing teacher.  She has learned so much and grown so much.  It is really amazing to see. 

 Sometimes it is hard to smilse normally at 7:45 in the morning :)  This girl has a style of her own, that is for sure!  I love her fearlessness.  I have not picked out an outfit for her all year.  Her favorite things to wear are long skirts with her socks pulled up or crazy boots!  It is awesome to see her confidence and her style.  It is something to see some days, that is for sure!

We had a sad day when we got rid of her backpack.  It lasted for first grade.  She has a big exciting one for second grade.  This one got a little torn apart during the year.  It had to retire.  But, one last picture is always necessary in this house!

It is going to be a great summer filled with grandparent weekends, swimming, movies, crafts, and lots of other things (if I can think of them).  Can't believe I have a second grader!

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