Friday, June 11, 2010

Time with my boy...

I got to have some special time with my boy this week. Pumpkin headed up to my moms house on Wed and we are meeting up with her today. It has been strange being home without her, but once I got used to it, it was nice. Of course Critter was not feeling all that great, but being able to cuddle, watch movies, read books and just hang out with him without feeling guilty about ignoring Pumpkin was awesome. His sweet personality has come out so much more in the past few months. He loves to cuddle and be held...which at 36 pounds is getting interesting! He is starting the independent stage of wanting to do it all by himself. He loves to make me laugh and he loves when i make him laugh. I have just been able to spend some really nice time with him and my girl got to spend some really nice time with my mom. It was a win-win all around!
Now for a future bribery picture...nothing like wearing a princess hat and princess shoes! For some reason he loves this particular hat and this pair of shoes! :)


Brittni said...

I have a few black mail pictures myself!! Hee hee

kimberly said...

haha....reminds me of another little boy i know!!!!