Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First "salon" haircut...

I keep saying this through this summer, but my girl is growing up. She has been growing her hair long for quite awhile now. Her bangs have finally grown out too! :) It was time to get her haircut, plus my cousin is getting married next week and we all needed some refreshing! But, it has gotten so long, I did not want to take her to a kid place...I needed someone who I could count on. So...it was off for a salon haircut with my hairdresser! She was so excited. Yet, the first thing she said as she walked in is " It smells funny in here". I don't think she said anything to her besides thank you at the end, but she loved it! She does not remember the hairdresser, but she used to be a part of my moms club and knew Pumpkin as a little kid.
Anyway, as she was drying her hair, Pumpkin whispered to me...can she curl it? Well....my girl got her hair curled :) She looked like a little princess, now I just need to get a flat iron so I can do it to her hair.
I had such a great day with her. We made it a girls day and went shopping, out to lunch and then her haircut. I could not help but spoil her a little bit with little presents here and there. There are so many days that we battle over little things, I just enjoyed my time with her. I realize with Kindergarten coming, these special days will be harder to come by. I don't know if she will always remember this day, but I certainly will! There is nothing better than being able to sit with your child and experience something new through their eyes. Love you my baby girl!
Here is the result of the haircut...

Showing off the curls...

My beautiful girl...

1 comment:

stacey224 said...

She looks so cute, and grown up too!