Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I will be having a hard time writing this post, but it needs to be written....
Our family is now one member smaller. We had to say good-bye to our Shadow yesterday evening. He was our first kitty who found me at my old apartment about 10 years ago. He has been with me through dating Hubby, moving into 2 different houses, getting married, having 2 babies, and just everything. Since the kids were born, he has not gotten the attention he used to. But...he learned when I was sitting on the couch it was a perfect time to cuddle up to me. He got nicknamed "Fat Shadow" because he really had gotten quite large.
We noticed a few weeks ago that it looked like he had lost a little weight. We thought it was due to the heat and a different feeding schedule. Then...yesterday happened. He was just limping around the house and kept hiding in corners. By the afternoon he was not moving much. After dinner we knew he was going. Pumpkin tried to color him as many pictures as she could to make him better, including a crown for his head.
Hubby took him to the Emergency Vet down the road at about 6:30 last night. He was extremely dehydrated, jaundice and most likely liver failure or cancer. He lived a good life of at least 14 years, we are not sure how old he was when he found me. We could have tried to prolong his life, but it would have been for us and not him...
Our house feels a little more empty today and our other 2 kitties are sad and looking for him. I was able to get a few pictures of him yesterday...

Pumpkin's card and pictures surrounding him to help him get better...

Love you sweet "Fat Shadow" we will miss you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obviously it is summer...and it is hot. No longer can we escape to the outdoors after dinner to ride bikes, play soccer, blow bubbles, etc. We are inside...and the kids have been getting bored. So...what better way to spend time than dancing! That is what we have been doing. Whether it is the kids playing music from a book and being goofy or finding other music. Let's just say that poor Critter was born with my rhythm....not a good thing! These videos just make me smile and laugh :)

I honestly do not know what is up with his kissy face in this one...but I could not help laughing! I also love that Pumpkin just keeps doing her thing i the background :)

Ever since Critter got his tubes in his ears back in April, he has been speaking so much more and more clearly. He and his sister developed this good-bye for daddy when he goes to work. I do not know if or when they will stop...so I had to capture it! It just makes me smile every time they do it, which is everyday! I just love where they both are right now in their lives...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First "salon" haircut...

I keep saying this through this summer, but my girl is growing up. She has been growing her hair long for quite awhile now. Her bangs have finally grown out too! :) It was time to get her haircut, plus my cousin is getting married next week and we all needed some refreshing! But, it has gotten so long, I did not want to take her to a kid place...I needed someone who I could count on. So...it was off for a salon haircut with my hairdresser! She was so excited. Yet, the first thing she said as she walked in is " It smells funny in here". I don't think she said anything to her besides thank you at the end, but she loved it! She does not remember the hairdresser, but she used to be a part of my moms club and knew Pumpkin as a little kid.
Anyway, as she was drying her hair, Pumpkin whispered to me...can she curl it? Well....my girl got her hair curled :) She looked like a little princess, now I just need to get a flat iron so I can do it to her hair.
I had such a great day with her. We made it a girls day and went shopping, out to lunch and then her haircut. I could not help but spoil her a little bit with little presents here and there. There are so many days that we battle over little things, I just enjoyed my time with her. I realize with Kindergarten coming, these special days will be harder to come by. I don't know if she will always remember this day, but I certainly will! There is nothing better than being able to sit with your child and experience something new through their eyes. Love you my baby girl!
Here is the result of the haircut...

Showing off the curls...

My beautiful girl...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My heart...

Before I became a mom, i never knew what it was like to have my heart live outside my body. These two have changed me from the core. I would do anything for them. I can not wait to see what they will create in this world. Knowing them...it will be big!
I just had fun with my camera the other morning. It was fun to just get them being them....

This is his "shhhh" face. I love it! :) Apparently I ask them to use their inside voices a lot, since Critter has now started doing this quite a bit...

I sometimes look at her and can not believe how grown up she is. I love this girl so much. She has grown up to such a wonderful lady. She loves deeply, cares to her core and is fiercely independent. If there is something she wants or wants to do, she will not stop til she finds a way to get it. While this makes for a challenging time, I hope she can continue this spirit as she grows. She has become more reserved in situations she does not know, but once she is comfortable...look out! I am amazed and honored to be a part of her life.

What else can I say...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Time with my boy...

I got to have some special time with my boy this week. Pumpkin headed up to my moms house on Wed and we are meeting up with her today. It has been strange being home without her, but once I got used to it, it was nice. Of course Critter was not feeling all that great, but being able to cuddle, watch movies, read books and just hang out with him without feeling guilty about ignoring Pumpkin was awesome. His sweet personality has come out so much more in the past few months. He loves to cuddle and be held...which at 36 pounds is getting interesting! He is starting the independent stage of wanting to do it all by himself. He loves to make me laugh and he loves when i make him laugh. I have just been able to spend some really nice time with him and my girl got to spend some really nice time with my mom. It was a win-win all around!
Now for a future bribery picture...nothing like wearing a princess hat and princess shoes! For some reason he loves this particular hat and this pair of shoes! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy BDay

Happy Birthday Mom! What an influence you have been to my life and the lives of so many. I am glad we get to take you to lunch today and then you get some special time with "your girl". We love you so much! Enjoy this special day :)