Thursday, May 6, 2010

A fun baseball time...

I just love the school Pumpkin has gone to for these past 2 years. They do some amazing projects and units. The month of April they focused on baseball, which made Hubby insanely happy! They focused on all aspects of the game, where stadiums were located, and more thing than I even know! The unit finished with a "baseball game". The kids were given "$10" and had to purchase a seat, food and souvenirs. The kids did not have enough money for everything that was offered. It was to finish the unit as well as teach some basic money management skills. How awesome is that! :)
It just so happened that this event was the day after we got back from our trip, so Hubby was off work. Critter, hubby and myself got to go help out the 2 classes and see what our girl does at school. It was pretty darn awesome. Pumpkin's teacher even gave Critter some money so he could by some thing.
She of course wanted to get a tattoo!
The kids had a choice of seats for different amounts. Of course, our girl purchased the most expensive set of seats in the front row! We pulled up a chair for Critter and he just loved to eat his popcorn and watch the show. They showed the kids highlights from the D-Backs 2007 season. They even took breaks for dancing and a song. It was one of the coolest things I have seen!

He LOVED his popcorn! He would make this face and then eat it and laugh...not sure why it was so funny but it was to him!
I had to get a picture of her in this shirt. It was one of Hubby's shirts playing Little League as a kid. She was SO proud to be wearing one of Daddy's actual shirts to school. To MY East coast family...don't worry if you look at Critter's hat we were still represented that day! :)

It was such a fun day watching our girl interact with her friends and pay attention to her money. She spent $9 pretty easily, but that last $1 was not easy to part with! It was just nice to enjoy where she is at the moment. She only has 6 days of school left until she is done with preschool! Yikes! We will then have 2 months to hopefully do lots of fun things before she starts.....Kindergarten! Man, both kids are growing up so quick...


kimberly said...

sounds like a lot of fun....and a really awesome school!!! hope you had an amazing mama's day, debbie...filled with love from your sweet family!

Brittni said...

Looks like a fun time and great experience for the kiddos! Glad your whole family could be a part of it!