Friday, July 31, 2009

A special weekend

Hubby and I had a great weekend two weeks ago. My parents took the kids from Friday-Sunday and we got to have some kid-free time! We went to a movie, out to dinner, out with friends and did some things around the house. It was my birthday weekend. It was one of the few birthdays I have spent without my parents, so it was a little strange. But...Hubby sometimes knows what he is talking about. It was nice to relax and do things at our pace for just 2 days. Much more than that and I would have been going through withdrawals and my parents would have been crazy! :) So..thank you mom and dad for watching the kids. It was nice to celebrate with you a day late though!
Thank you also to the friends who came out to spend some time with us. I don't know what I would do without all of you in my life. You bring so much love, kindness, laughter and friendship. You are the family I got to choose and I love each of you. Thank you for taking the time to come out and celebrate with me. You made my day so sweet and special!
Of course I got to celebrate with the kids on Sunday. Another year older.....and I hope a little wiser! :)

1 comment:

Brittni said...

glad you had such a good weekend! It was really fun to get together and have some friend time! I am glad you got to do what you wanted for your birthday even if it was without your family :)