Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Trying to be like Papa

I love the fact that my kids love my parents and learn loads from them. I would like to think they are learning the big lessons from my dad....
Being great at math
Learning coordination by playing golf
Having a great sense for business
and many more things. seems like Pumpkin is learning some of the other things from Papa. Last summer it was getting pneumonia. Apparently this is.....
Spraining her left ankle!

Oh yes...that is her rather largely swollen ankle after playing at our favorite place. It is actually amazing that she has not done this sooner in life, and yes I know she is only 4 1/2 but she is MY child! She would not walk on it Wed. when she did it. By Thursday she was hobbling around with this brace on. By would never know anything was wrong. It has been a week and it is still black and blue, but you would never know why!

She was actually quite proud of this bandage on her foot. I also love how Critter is behind her doing the same thing as she is! Pretty much anything she does, he tries to do. What can I say, we lead pretty exciting lives around here! :)

1 comment:

kimberly said...

ouch!!!!! amazing really that they don't have more of these situations.....i watch the grandkids and am in awe they make it through their days with a minimal amount of bumps and bruises!!! just part of the process i i remember many a injury in our house!
nice thing is they heal quickly!