Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Off we go again...

Apparently my children do not like the color of my hair. They are striving everyday to make it a lovely shade of gray! We got to head off (yes again) to the ER yesterday for Critter. Ironic since we just got the bill on Saturday from his last ER trip. As I was taking a nice hot shower and Hubby was taking care of the kids, Critter decided he needed to climb onto the sofa table (those taller tables put behind couches, but ours is/was by the front door). Not really sure why he needed to do this besides the fact that he is a MONKEY! He went ahead and pulled it down onto his feet. Yes...I said his feet. Now, he does not have what you would call small feet. So, when they swelled up they looked really not small! After 30 minutes of crying, off we went to the ER.
3 hours, 6 X-Rays and a co-pay later....we were home with swollen not broken feet. Thankfully! I could even imagine trying to contain this child with two broken feet. The thought of that makes me cringe.
Here are his lovely feet. They don't look nearly as bad in the pictures. When he finally wanted to walk last night, he was limping around like an adult. Today he seems to be doing pretty good. We went this morning and played for a little while because I wanted to see what his feet would do. After about an hour he slowed down and was ready to go home. But, I felt better about his feet seeing that he could play for that long.
I really hope to NOT post anything again for awhile about the ER. I joked with my mom about not needing a college fund for the kids, but an ER fund! I think I was only somewhat joking.... Does anyone need a sofa table?!?!?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

so glad that he is okay and doesn't have two broken feeties!! :( it's really amazing how resilient these little beings are. :)
hope it's a long time before you are heading off to the er again!! :)