Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My growing girl

I am not sure where my baby girl has gone. This beautiful child I see here has grown SO much! You are still amazing me each and everyday. You have a heart of gold, care deeply for those around you, take lessons to heart, have a love of God that amazes me, and you remember EVERYTHING! I can not believe some of the stories you remember. I have a hard time thinking of what you are talking about some times. I love who you are and who you are becoming. I miss my real little girl, but I am trying to enjoy each day of who you are now.
You love the outdoors. It does not matter if we go to the park, the splash pad, riding your bike or just in the backyard; you love it. You seem so happy when absorbing the world around you.
Pumpkin, you are such a beautiful child. I love how you show your emotion through your eyes. Just one look into your eyes shows if you are happy, sad, thinking, etc.

Lately, you are my goofball. Whether it is singing, dancing, making up stories, making up games, or off in your own world; you are entertaining all of us. I can not tell you how much I love being in the present and just listening to you make up songs and dance around the house. I pray you keep up your imagination and your love of entertaining. You can make us smile in a heartbeat.

Monkey was always one of your nicknames, and it continues to be. You still love to climb and drive me crazy! Here are a few of the thoughts you have said lately that make me laugh out loud!:
~ At a birthday party as they are serving cake at lunchtime (we had not had lunch beforehand)
"Dude, is this our lunch!" you said this with a huge smile on your face.
~ You had been telling me your belly hurt for awhile. I was asking you if it hurt all the time or just some of the time.
" Hmmm....I think it just hurts some of the time. Maybe 3 days a week"
~ Your response quite often.
"Seriously?!" I have no idea where you get this from, seriously! :)
I love you my sweet girl. I can not believe that you are 4 1/2. I don't know where the time has gone. I hope to remember what you are doing in these special moments.


kimberly said...

they grow up so fast, don't they?.....sugar and spice.....i'm sure she keeps you very entertained....and i love her conversation!!! :)
have a wonderful mother's day, with your sweet family.....

kimberly said...

just wishing you a happy day tomorrow!!!!

Alyson said...

Happy Birthday big girl! Such cute pics!