We had a great weekend at my parent's house. We started a tradition a few years ago to go up there for the weekend of the 4th of July. The community they live in always have a little carnival, an F-16 flyover and then fireworks. We don't have to go and fight the crowds anywhere. We can either walk to the golf course and see fireworks or we can just stand in their front or backyards. It is always a nice time. We almost did not make it up this year though. We had a lovely adventure on Wed. night to the ER. Pumpkin was feeling a little under the weather all day until about 7 pm. She woke up from a little nap on the couch, threw up and had a 105.2 temp. So...off to the ER we went. The poor thing was so miserable. They gave her medicine, an IV bag of fluids and ran a bunch of tests on her blood. Luckily, they did not find anything and by midnight her temp was down to 98.5. Thursday she was still warm so I took her to her regular doctor. They ran a strep test which for me was luckily negative, I am VERY succeptible to strep...was not as a kid but am as an adult (I know, I am weird). Both the ER doctor and our doctor said it was just a virus and to let it run its course, with lots of hand washing for the rest of us!
So, with that...we then headed to my parents house. It was really nice to have an extra set of hands to help with the kids. Critter is teething and with Pumpkin not feeling well, they both wanted lots of cuddle time. I am so thankful we have family in the area to help! Luckily by Thursday evening she was feeling MUCH better and her fever did not get above 101. It ended up being a really fabulous weekend. It was filled with LOTS of swimming, crafting and eating yummy food. My dad had not seen the kids in almost 2 months, so he had a great time playing with both of them. Critter almost started crawling while there, any day now!
I hope that everyone got to celebrate this wonderful holiday with family and friends and remember ALL of those who are giving us our freedom both here in this country and around the world.
We go to the golf course and watch these fly right overhead. This is one of my dad's favorite things about this holiday. It really is a cool sight.
Critter LOVED the fireworks. I figured the noise would bother him, but not at all. He could not stop staring at the colors. Which was rather amazing considering he was hungry and tired!
She loves to run on the golf course when we see the planes. I think I have this same picture for three years in a row!
Critter's first taste of crackers, can you tell I am getting desperate for that tooth to come in!
She is now swimming SO well with floaties, I just need her to have confidence without them. She is even swimming on her back!
He takes after his sister and LOVES the water. He was "floating" on his back and kicking up a storm. It was really cute.
Happy 4th of July to you all!