We did not get as early of a start on Day 2...which was nice! :) We got to the park right when it opened and got to go to the opening of Toon.town. It was really cute. They had a little ceremony w/all the characters. The kids loved it. Both really wanted to see Minnie....so we got in line to get her autograph.

Pumpkin knew she was going to this part of the park, so she wanted to wear her Minnie shirt. They were so excited.

As a surprise for her "birthday present" the girls went off and went to this boutique by the castle. They had options of hair, nails, makeup and of course the whole princess outfit. I had made the appointment for her with just the hair and makeup. I brought her Halloween.dress with me, but she did not want to wear it. That ended up being a good idea since it was almost 100 that day! As she sat in the chair her "Fairy.Godmother" did her hair and talked with her. She was excited but a little shy. I don't think she quite knew what to make of it...

This is one of the only smiling pictures i got of her. I think that is because all of her crazy long hair is standing straight up. I really do not know how these ladies do this to the kids hair...

Our little princess! What you can not see in this picture is all the glitter! There was glitter for days! Her hair stayed like this until Thursday night. It would have stayed in longer, but she really needed it down for a bath :) She did not show it, but she was super excited...

Let's say that Daddy is teaching this kid to drive! She was a nut! But...she had fun :)

It was REALLY hot this day. This was right before we went to find a place to sit in the shade and wait for the parade.

First meltdown of the trip. His sister spilt his drink and he did not want Daddy's drink. When it is almost 100 and you are very tired, that would cause a meltdown! But, the parade started soonafter, so we were good!

She was seeing the first princesses of the parade. Even though she turned 7, she still loves her princesses! I will take it as long as i can! This is one of my favorite pictures of the trip. She just kept lighting up and I could never catch it. This was why we went, for these smiles and memories!

He loved it all too. He was mesmerized by it all.

We lucked out a few times as we were leaving the park. We kept seeing characters we had not met yet. It worked out perfectly! :)

Loved all the pumpkins and the decorations for Halloween! It made it even more fun! The kids loved looking for the special little places as well. We left the park pretty early on Day 2 and had a nice dinner and early bedtime! We all needed it....