Saturday, June 27, 2009


We have been having some tough days around here lately. Lots of projects around the house and an ever increasing independent little girl make for a lack of balance and fun. The kids and I just goofed off last night and it was fun. Even on the tough days, how can my mood not change when I see these faces! The shy one who avoids the camera :) It is so hard to get her to smile normal for me. She likes to "pose" all the time. Cute and memorable though!
This is Critter's look of admiration for Pumpkin. He looks at her like she can do no wrong. It is so precious. I really do feel so blessed they connect like they do.

This will make any day better! I just love these two so much. They are helping remind me of what is important. There is really nothing as important as loved ones. It is best to stop and just enjoy. This picture is such a great reminder for me of how quickly time is passing and how much I want/need to be present for every moment. I love how it is sometimes the simple moments in life that bring us back to what is important.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A fun Father's Day

I know I already wished Hubby and the other dads a Happy Father's Day. I just had to share some pictures from our weekend. We escaped to my parents house for Saturday night and Sunday. It is only 45 minutes away, but it is a little vacation for us! Hubby and I got to go out to a movie on Saturday night, I can't remember the last time we did that! Before we left, we got to indulge in this....
Earlier in the day I took Pumpkin to a local grocery store where kids could decorate their own cake for $5. Doesn't it look perfect! :) The gummy worms were added at my parents house. She was very deliberate in putting the signs, frosting and sprinkles. It was a cake she was very proud of! :)

If you have a cake, you have to sing....of course. So, we sang Happy Father's Day to you to my dad and Hubby. It was rather cute.

We spent the day on Sunday on and off in the pool. It was rather chilly since we have had such a "cool" June. The kids had a great time. Both Critter and Pumpkin were loving being thrown in the air by Daddy. Critter was actually monkey crawling here with just a little support from Daddy.

They were sitting by the edge of the pool together (don't worry Hubby is right outside the frame of the shot) and Critter got thirsty. Pumpkin just reached over and shared her drink with him. I feel so blessed the two of them have such a special relationship.

More throwing by Daddy. I don't know how he gets her so high...I tried and could not do it!

Pumpkin has been taking swim lessons with a friend of mine this summer. She really has learned a lot so far. By the end of the day she swam by herself about halfway down the pool. It was really amazing to see! She was proud of herself and so were we!
It was a great day celebrating the dads in our life. Luckily we got to celebrate with Hubby's parents as well since they came up to my parents house. What a nice day :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to an amazing Husband, Father and Friend. I love going through this journey of parenthood with you. The children adore you and have learned so much from you. Hopefully you know how much we appreciate how hard you work both at work and at home. We love you and hope you enjoy your day!

A Happy Father's Day to my dad and father in law as well. You were amazing role models for us growing up and now are doing the same for our kids. Thank you and enjoy this special day!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lots of fun

We had the chance this week to go get a tour of Chase Ballpark. We have an "in" with a hubby of a mom in my MOMS club. We got to go while the team was away, play at the playground, see the locker room and then run the bases! It was a lot of fun :) Hubby even went into work a little bit late so he could go with us. I am not sure who had more fun, the kid or him! :) We have been doing a ton of stuff to the house and have not had a ton of family time lately. This was a great opportunity for it. All of us had a blast.

Running the bases on a real MLB field. This was pretty cool. Pumpkin did not take it lightly either passed two kids while rounding the bases!

Critter was melting down from hunger and heat so he was not as keen to run the actual bases. He did stop so I could get this picture. Daddy was quite proud...

She got a big kick out of this since baseball is on ALL THE TIME at our house. She has gone to a few games at the stadium, so she knew what she was doing was really special.

He was very interested in what he was walking upon. Rather cute if I do say so!

This was the inside of the actual locker room. I had never been in a MLB locker room before. I was amazed at how clean and organized it is in there! Even hubby was a little bit awestruck. It was a really great and needed family day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

To a special mom....

Happy Birthday Mom~
We hope you have a wonderful day and we are looking forward to celebrating with you next week. I could not ask for a better mom. We love you so much. Thank you for always being there for all of us. Happy Birthday...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Some smiles today...

We have been taking the time for fun lately. Plus, our house has been filled with lots of music. I am not sure where Pumpkin gets her musical talent certainly is not me! She has been asking for a guitar for quite awhile now. Since we have been working getting her to stop sucking her thumb, it was the perfect motivation. When she filled up her sticker chart, I took her to her favorite toy store. Luckily she found this instead of the full sized one...mommy was much happier with the price! This has been entertaining us for a few days now....

I could not forget about Critter. Last month when Mr and Mrs. P were visiting and Pumpkin had her hair braided....Critter discovered the water squirt bottle. I just let him have at it one night since it was so cute! He needed a bath anyway! :)

These made me smile today. Hope you did too! :)