Saturday, April 11, 2009

Getting ready for Easter

Getting ready for Easter in our house means I spend a bit of time blowing the insides of eggs out so we can color them. It is how I grew up (even though Hubby thinks I am nuts!) and I want the kids to have the same tradition. This year we HAD to use the eggs from Grandma R's Farm. It was important to Pumpkin to do this :) It was a fun time, especially since Hubby was there to help out. Not sure how I would have done it without him this year!
Getting ready for the fun! Man, I love her smile in this. She has become even more of a ham lately and it is harder and harder to get her to smile her normal smile.
The first egg she has colored with her Daddy!

Critter got in on the action this year. He really enjoyed it too! Somehow he was not into getting messy, like his sister did!
He was so careful putting the eggs into the dye. With hollowed out eggs you have to be pretty careful not to break them. I do say that Grandma R's eggs were much more sturdy than the ones I usually get. I will have to remember that for next year. Pumpkin dropped one of the ground and it did not break. I am still not sure how that happened! are seeing correctly. That is Daddy getting in on the action and Critter has some dye on his hand! It was a fun time :)
Some of the masterpieces...

This was one of the last eggs. The delicate dipper was no longer fun, the hands worked much better
This one had to go into all the colors. It was rather interesting before it dried, but it ended up one of the best ones!
The hands after dipping the egg in all the colors AND washing hands 4 times. Somehow the color was gone by school the next morning.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter. I will post pictures of our day as soon as I can. It will be a full day with church, egg hunting, eating and visiting with friends and family. Hopefully you have an enjoyable day.


Tara said...

What great traditions and memories you make with the kids! Those egss looked awesome too! Happy Easter!

Jamie said...

how fun!! :) I have always loved this tradition ~ glad to see your family enjoys it too! :) i have NO idea how to blow out eggs though~ kuddos to you!!! :)