Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christ.mas Day

We had a beyond fabulous Christ.mas Day. It was different this year because we woke up in the morning with just the 4 of us. Usually my parents are there too...but I think they probably enjoyed not being woken up at 615am! :)
We had just a few things for the kids at our the big guys gift! :) The kids knew they had quite a few things waiting for them at my parent's house.

This was Critter as he woke up and looked for the first time. I don't know about your house, but at our house San.ta does not wrap his presents. The ones under the tree without wrapping paper are from him. So...the first thing the kids see is what he brought is fun and cute!
They were super excited their aunt and uncle gave them new Wii remotes! We have been sharing the 2 white ones it came with for over a year. Now, no more fighting! I don't know who was more excited about this...the kids or Hubby and I :)
We gave Critter a cool Star.Wars ship set...isn't it adorable! :)
After getting dressed and setting up new toys, we were up at my parent's house the rest of the day. It was fun and relaxing. But....weird for me to not cook a meal. I have been cooking a Christ.mas meal for 6 years. I don't always know how to relax and this was proof. All week I kept thinking I was missing a present or was driving me crazy. It was not until Hubby told me I was missing shopping, prepping and cooking the meal that it made sense...
He was so excited to open each gift.
Yes, that is a jar of pickles....yes, it was a Christ.mas present...yes, it was from my parents...yes, he was super excited about it! This kid loves pickles!
I totally forgot to get a picture of the kids sitting in front of presents this year. so...we did the next best thing. We gathered all the paper at my parent's house and buried the kids. They thought it was a blast!
One of the favorite talks too.
Another favorite! He was SO excited to be like his big sister. He hopped on and was riding like a pro. Plus, he loved the little hill on my parents street.
What better way to burn off the dinner calories than a race on the street. We all was fun. I had the kids get Hubby though since I was wearing boots with heels that were not too great for running!
He wore himself out! No, I did not pose this. He just layed down in the street after racing and riding his new scooter!
We finished the night watching a 3D movie. It is one of the kids (and my dads) favorites and really cool in 3D!

It was a beyond amazing day. Everyone was so spoiled. We are still enjoying the feelings from then. I don't think anything is better than these two amazing faces celebrating...

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