Saturday, November 26, 2011

Holiday fun...

Both Hubby and I were working like crazy this holiday season. But, it was super important to me to do fun things with the kids. They should not have to sit at home and not do these fun things! We started with a fun parade where Daddy was working. It was a little hard because we were sitting right where he was working. The kids kept wanting to talk with him and be with him, they did not understand that he was working. But, it was fun to experience the parade "with Daddy"

Enjoying hot chocolate and popcorn before the parade started :)
My boy was happy to pose for a picture. My girl...not so much!
They loved all the floats and people walking. It was also perfect since we were going to be in a parade the next weekend. It gave them an idea what we were going to be doing. It was a little loud for Pumpkin though...she kept plugging her ears...
We got to see the man in the red suit twice! We were walking back to the car and happened to see the end of the parade again. The kids though it was super cool. Plus, they saw him get off of the truck and get on a golf cart. He was going to another area where kids to talk with him. However, when this mommy saw the line and the time....we decided to talk with him another time! :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Taking the leap...on a bike...

We decided the weekend after Thanksgiving to try to take the training wheels off of Critter's bike. He has been riding like a fiend and thought he was ready. It was so interesting to see how different the kids were. With Pumpkin we put her on the top of a hill and let her go...she just went! She had little fear and just tackled the challenge. Critter was much more reserved. He wanted nothing to do with the all. But, he also had so much more control of his bike. He started off and could pretty much stop without falling.

We had to put the training wheels back on for a parade we were in...but they are coming off again this weekend. He is so ready....I just don't know if I am! This just means he is growing up. Just one more indication of it anyway. I remember like it was yesterday when Pumpkin was learning to ride her bike without training wheels. Seems like Critter is growing up way to fast!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We had an interesting Turkey.Day this year. Poor Hubby got sick during the night. The problem was that he was going to take the kids to Turkey.Bowl with our friends. He was going to take the kids while I stayed home and cooked all the food. He had been prepping the kids to go with him for about two weeks. So...the cute kids looked at me after I put the turkey in the oven and asked me "are we going to go see oru friends now?" What else could I say to them. I took the break from cooking and took them. The grown up boys played flag football, the ladies chatted and the kids played. They had a blast!

Critter does not play football much. If he does play, it is with Daddy or his sister. So, it was cute to see him play with his friends. He did not quite get the tackling thing...he would just tackle anyone he could, not necessarily the one with the ball!

I love his pose in this one! He was trying to not let Grandma R get worked! :)
He wanted the leg. He actually ate a fair amount of it...
We did the perfect thing after eating....we played more football outside. It was so much fun. Luckily, Hubby was feeling better by this point. He was able to be among the family and hang out a bit.
Turkey.Day is one of my favorite holidays. It is about family and friends...nothing too commercial about it! It is simply enjoying a day. I love hosting the day. Not much makes me happier than putting out a bunch of food and having a house full of family. Hope I get to host again next year :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My 3rd Half Marathon...

I decided to be crazy and run my 3rd Half Marathon back in early November. I was able to train nicely this time, with Jacob in school....that is what I thought anyway! A very good friend of mine was running as well. We had a GREAT pace up to mile 4. My right knee decided it wanted to go out on me. She ran ahead and I walked/limped/jogged/struggled for the next 9.1 miles. It was absolutely crazy.
Hubby and the kids were at mile 8 to cheer me on. You know you are in pain when your husband sees your face and then puts down the camera.
I did not realize how in pain I looked until I saw these pictures. It was a tough go...
My girl with my medal...
Critter was super sweet. He leaned over to Hubby when he saw me and said "See, Mommy won the race...she has a medal!"
I really appreciate the support of my family and my mom. They came out to support me on a chilly November day. Next year, I will run another one...but hoping the knee decides to cooperate with me!