Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fun with Dye...

I seem to forget each year how much I "love" coloring eggs. I grew up with my mom emptying out eggs before coloring them. I is crazy. I did not realize how crazy until I started doing it as a mother. Each year....I do it for my kids. I start out with 18 eggs a piece and they end up with about a dozen. I end up breaking quite a few of the eggs. Next year I think we will do some hard-boiled though...
The fun part of it is my table centerpiece each year has all the eggs from previous years. It is fun to see how they do eggs from year to year.

He took it very seriously this year. He knew how he wanted to color them and what he wanted to do...

It is a fun project...but one I am glad only happens once a year! :)

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