Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My 2 little fishies...

The kids were up at Nanny and Papa's house this past weekend. It was on Pumpkin's wish list for the summer. It was nice to have some time to get things done around the house without our "helpers". Hubby and I went up there on Sunday to hang out and then bring them home. They had spent a fair amount of time in my parent's pool and were excited to show us what they could do!

Apparently all Critter wanted to do was jump to Papa from the edge. They taught him to ask every time, since he can not swim yet.

Not knowing how to swim does not make him fearful of the water though! Look at this! :) Funny thing is that his eyes are open the whole time!
Of course, Papa is there to catch him!

He did this time and time again. I love that Pumpkin is waiting her turn to jump as well! She is a little fish now. Papa taught her how to expel some air from her lungs so she can sit on the bottom of the pool. While this is a neat trick, it makes my heart stop every time she does it! There is nothing natural about seeing your child playing on the bottom of the pool. At least we all take turns watching the kids.

This picture is proof that I really have 3 children, not just 2. I could not believe what my husband was doing! My parents pool is not that deep, I can stand in the deepest part. But, the kids loved this....and Hubby did. I did turn my head a lot of the time (when I was not taking pictures).

So...since Critter has no fear of the water, my parents came up with this idea to give them a rest from him jumping in the whole time. I don't think he could fit many more flotation devices on his little body! He is getting really good with his swimming skills, which is a huge comfort. He blows bubbles, kicks, uses his arms, knows the grab the edge and can pull himself out of the water. So...we are getting there!

Hubby could not let Papa have all the fun.....

But, Hubby outdid Papa to the extreme. At one point, my dad looked at my mom and said "Now, you can not say anything about what I was doing with the kids!". The scary thing was that Critter was having a blast! I was not having the same fun watching them though. Plus....Critter has gotten really heavy! There is NO WAY I could throw them around like that!

Yes, that is Critter flying through the air...

Now let's go for over the head!

Nothing like a face plant into the water! Yet, he kept asking for more....he certainly does not get that adventure streak from his momma!

She was doing cannonballs off the ledge....she has a little of her dad in her as well!


Her splash was not nearly as big as Hubby's, who jumped in after her!

It was a great day at their house. The kids had SO MUCH FUN! They both slept in on Monday and took a 2 and 3 hour nap! I sometimes wish we had a pool, but after seeing how daredevil they get...I am glad we don't! I know it will be just as crazy the next time we go up there.

1 comment:

kimberly said...

hey all looks like so much fun....a lot of that stuff going on over here too....only way to stay cool!!!! hope you have a wonderful summer!