Thursday, July 15, 2010

A break from vacation pictures for a moment...

This girl had a big day today...
She got to go to her new elementary school (sobs) and do a Kindergarten Readiness Test. It is not to tell whether or not she will go to Kindergarten, but where she is at and to help the teacher have a base knowledge of the kids in class. She had a rough day yesterday stressing about it. Since it is a new school, and she does not know anyone yet...there is quite a bit of anxiety. She has been in tears about starting Kindergarten. She keeps saying she does not want to go. My heart is breaking for her.
So...I employed a little bit of parental bribery. I told her as long as she went to the testing today, talked with the teacher, and tried her best we would go to Build a Bear when it opened. She had saved money and we got a $10 certificate from them. She did great at the school. She was very timid when walking away from me with the teacher. By the time she came back she was happy and talking. The teacher said she is doing great and is slowing learning to read. to the store we went. She wandered around for quite awhile. She wanted a new bear and a new outfit, but did not have enough money. So, after much deliberation, she got a new friend.

Introducing...Chloe! She is so funny with her friends and their outfits. It is so important for us to teach her about budgeting and money. We figure if we can teach her now, it will be that much better for us as she gets older.

My heart is so not ready for these next steps these 2 are taking. I do not have any idea how I am going to handle her starting Kindergarten. Especially with her feeling nervous, I have to be really excited about it. Even, though my heart is breaking with each thought of the 26th. I did not do nearly as much with them as I had wanted for the summer. We have great memories, but there are never enough! She is growing into this amazing person. Each time I look at her, she amazes me even more. The love she holds in her heart could heal almost anyone!

Happy times my dear Pumpkin. We love you and are so proud of what you are doing and who you are!


Brittni said...

What a special day! I can't believe what a young girl she has become! You are a good mommy!

kimberly said...

so cute....and i can totally feel for your heart when she has anxiety....have been there so many times...but sounds like she had a good experience.
let us know how it goes!