Thursday, May 13, 2010

The perfect weekend...

I had a perfect Mother's Day weekend! It was so nice, peaceful and exactly what this momma heart needed :)
We had the lovely grandma's over for dinner on Saturday. Good food and family are a really nice combination :)
Pumpkin was very happy to wear a new outfit. She is funny, she is starting to get more reserved when she is in the spotlight or around new people. She warms up quickly, but there is a real change there. She is still my outgoing, crazy girl....she just pays attention to who is around her more often.

She has this new pose (as opposed to the old over the shoulder) where she lifts her leg. Not sure where is comes from...but there it is. What is funny is Critter trying to do it along with her...he usually has no clue about what she is doing, but goes along with it since she is his sister :)

My boy! We were getting ready to head out for donuts and coffee, then to a park, then to the bookstore! Talk about a perfect morning :) Most of my favorite things in the, my family, playing outside and books!

After reading for 3 hours (yeah for Mother's Day!) we picked up dinner and headed to a park/lake for a picnic. No crowds, noisy restaurant, overpriced food...just us, a picnic bench, a beautiful day and relaxation!

We brought the kids scooters and trike and a ball/bat. It was so much fun seeing them run around and just play. Pumpkin was funny playing catcher. I was amazed that she absorbed so much from watching games with her daddy. She knew right where to stand and what to cute! AND she did not get hit in the head when Critter tried to hit the ball!

Pumpkin was trying to help Critter get into the right "stance" and kept telling him to bend his legs. Well...when you tell a 2 year old to bend his legs this is what he will do. He could not quite hit the ball this way...but it sure made Hubby and I laugh!
It was such a perfect day! I could not have asked for more from my family. I love what these 2 crazy kids have brought to my life and how they have changed me. I could not imagine life another way. I guess that is the joy of motherhood! I hope all the amazing women in my life had an equally amazing Mother's Day. I would not be the mom I am without the wonderful empowerment and support from the women I know and love...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a perfect way to spend the day! I am glad you were able to spend some time doing what YOU wanted to do! See you soon girlie!