Monday, March 29, 2010

Annual Easter craziness...

Once again I followed through with my crazy way of decorating Easter eggs. I emptied out the eggs for the kids to dye. It is fun to keep them and look back at them year to year (even though Hubby really does not like storing them!). However, getting the insides out of the eggs is my least favorite part of the season. This year they wanted more eggs than the 18 I emptied. That was about all I could do this year though :)
It was really fun to watch them together this year. They both took things very seriously. We did them in the garage though because I was not about to risk the new floors! Maybe next year....

Quite a fascination with what was going on. He was determined to use the egg holder...even if it meant using his hands to put it on there. :)

Very proud of her egg

He was adorable...concentrating very hard on the project at hand.

When the eggs were done and I was trying to clean up, I turned around and this is what Critter was doing. He plopped down on the floor and started to pout. It was so funny! Pumpkin had to go over and check on him. They both sat there and pouted for a minute and then rolled on the ground laughing! I love how they can cheer each other up!

All in was a fun time like always. Every year I wonder why I do it, but I guess that is a part of motherhood. Sometimes we wonder why we do things, but they are worth it in the end!

1 comment:

kimberly said...

happy Easter to you and yours....we had our celebration yesterday....and what fun it was....these traditions are wonderful memories for these little ones growing up!!!