Friday, June 19, 2009

Lots of fun

We had the chance this week to go get a tour of Chase Ballpark. We have an "in" with a hubby of a mom in my MOMS club. We got to go while the team was away, play at the playground, see the locker room and then run the bases! It was a lot of fun :) Hubby even went into work a little bit late so he could go with us. I am not sure who had more fun, the kid or him! :) We have been doing a ton of stuff to the house and have not had a ton of family time lately. This was a great opportunity for it. All of us had a blast.

Running the bases on a real MLB field. This was pretty cool. Pumpkin did not take it lightly either passed two kids while rounding the bases!

Critter was melting down from hunger and heat so he was not as keen to run the actual bases. He did stop so I could get this picture. Daddy was quite proud...

She got a big kick out of this since baseball is on ALL THE TIME at our house. She has gone to a few games at the stadium, so she knew what she was doing was really special.

He was very interested in what he was walking upon. Rather cute if I do say so!

This was the inside of the actual locker room. I had never been in a MLB locker room before. I was amazed at how clean and organized it is in there! Even hubby was a little bit awestruck. It was a really great and needed family day.

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